Monday, June 15, 2015

gratitude and Sister Kuykendall's birthday!

Hey everybody!!

We did some fun service this week and had some good meetings with investigators.

​V- is doing so well! she has so many great sincere questions!! I love her so much. We were talking about the purpose of the priesthood this week and we noticed that eyes were full of tears. We asked her about how she was feeling/thinking. She said she couldn't explain it .. it was good ...then she asked if she was allowed to have a blessing. The Spirit was real folks.
She is the key for the rest of her family too. She was reading her BOM the other day and her brother walked in and asked her what she was reading. She explained all about the BOM and pretty much taught him a First lesson. He asked if he could have one to take with him to the Banak (army). Fingers crossed that he will progress before he leaves.

I think I read 3 Nephi 13:25-33 at least 10 times this week.

Gratitude is so powerful... just saying.

Whenever we feel like nothing is going right, that we aren't seeing the results of our efforts, as we make the effort to recognize blessings and enthusiastically express our gratitude for those tender mercies, we will have greater love for our Savior and our Father in Heaven, and we will have greater faith in their love for us. We will know with a surety that God is by our side, and it is that knowledge, testimony, and faith that will make us "mighty even unto the power of deliverance".

I have marveled this week at the tender mercies of the Lord. It seems that everywhere I turn, as I look, I see the Lord's hand in my life and in the lives of those around me. Every time I recognize a tender mercy, my love and appreciation for the Lord are strengthened, and I know with greater assurance how much he loves me and each of us, despite bummy weeks, and mean people :)

Love you!
-Sister K

Only selfies this week. Sorry

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